Legal notice

LIGHTHOUSE Management Consulting + Software GmbH

Represented by Lutz Henke and Jana Smolawa

Registered office: Hafenstrasse 32a, 22880 Wedel, Germany

N 53°34’16“
O 9°42’03“

Commercial register:
Pinneberg Local Court, HRB 5048

VAT number: DE189877806

Phone no.: +49 (0)41 03 90 41 37

LIGHTHOUSE Management Consulting + Software GmbH (referred to in the following as LIGHTHOUSE) regularly reviews and updates the information provided on its website. Despite all due care, it is possible that data and facts have changed since the last update. We assume no warranty or representation as to the relevance, accuracy, or completeness of the information and data provided.

LIGHTHOUSE reserves the right to amend or supplement website content at any time.

Website content

The content of the LIGHTHOUSE website is developed and managed with due diligence and a strong commitment to quality. However, the publisher assumes no warranty or representation as to the relevance, accuracy, completeness or quality of the information provided. Liability claims against the publisher in respect of material or immaterial damage caused by the use or non-use of the information offered or by inaccurate or incomplete information are in principle ruled out provided that there is no provable culpable intent or gross negligence on the publisher’s part.

Exclusion of liability for links

The following applies to all direct and indirect links or hyperlinks to external websites from our website.

LIGHTHOUSE has no influence on the updating, design or content of the linked websites. At the time when the links were programmed, there was no illegal content on the linked websites. We therefore expressly distance ourselves from all content of websites which can be accessed via links on our website. This applies, in particular, to the content of linked websites and their subpages, the servers behind them, the links and all other external content. This declaration applies to all links provided on our website. Illegal, incorrect or incomplete content on linked websites is the sole responsibility of the website operator. The external website operator also has liability for any damages incurred in connection with the use or non-use of the content. If any linked website proves to have illegal content, we will delete the link from our website as soon as we become aware of this fact.

Legal validity of this disclaimer

This disclaimer must be viewed as part of the internet offer referring to this website. If parts or aspects of the wording of this text do not or do not completely correspond to current statutory provisions, the content and validity of the other parts of the document remain unaffected.

Copyright and trademark law

The publisher makes every effort in all publications to observe the copyrights of the images, graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts used, to use images, graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts that it has produced, or to take recourse to graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts that are free of royalties. If, despite due care, the publisher’s website inadvertently infringes a copyright, please inform LIGHTHOUSE and the text or image will be removed without delay.

All hallmarks and trademarks specified in the website, some of which may have been registered by third parties, are subject unconditionally to the provisions of the appurtenant labelling law and rights of possession of the registered owners. It may not be assumed that trademarks which are merely mentioned are not protected by third-party rights!

The copyright for published objects produced by the publisher himself remains solely with the publisher of the website. Duplication or use of such graphics, sound documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications are not permitted without the express permission of the publisher.